We provide medical reports for people involved in road traffic accidents and accidents involving slips, trips and falls.

Your Medical Report


Details of the accident and injuries

During your consultation with the GP Medical Expert, a detailed history will be taken of what happened during the accident, the injuries you sustained, and how the injuries have affected you since the accident. We will also discuss briefly any past medical history that may be relevant to your injuries.  



The next part of your medical report deals with the prognosis - that is how long any continuing pain and stiffness due to the accident is likely to last.


Medical Examination

After having taken a careful history, your GP Medical Expert will then examine you to find out how the injuries might be still affecting you. This is nothing to worry about and usually simply involves finding out whether movement of certain parts of the body is painful and restricted.



The final part of your medical report outlines what treatment is necessary to deal with any continuing problems following your accident. This often involves a recommendation for physiotherapy, but can sometimes be a recommendation for referral to a specialist.